Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Gracie Angel

Today is my 1st birthday. Mommy is acting so weird today. She keeps singing to me and dancing around. I don't really understand why today is different than yeasterday or tomorrow, but Mommy is definitely acting different. I think I'll let her write something on my blog today....
Amelia Grace, one year ago today, Daddy and I were at the hospital. We were eagerly anticipating a new baby girl. We took all the tests we felt necessary while you were in my tummy and we were expecting a flawless delievery.
All went well. You had 9's for your Apgars and I was relieved. About one minute after you were delivered, Daddy whispered in my ear that you looked like you had Down Syndrome. I told him that all babies look different when they first come out. There is swelling and all kinds of things to make newborns look different. I thought your sister Maria looked like an alien. I did notice the nurses standing around you while you were in the warmer and they were whispering alot. Seemed a strange reaction for the nurses when you were so healthy.
Daddy was persistent and we decided to tell the doctor what we suspected. She said she would pass the info along to your pediatrician who would see you the next morning. We had a wonderful evening with you and I couldn't have been happier.
The next morning the Ped came in. She did a physical exam and told us that you did have several physical traits that are common in Down Syndrome, but not all. She recommended a blood test to tell us for sure.
The next morning she came in very somber and confirmed that you did have a 3rd 21st chromosome. I think she expected us to cry or be upset. We did neither. We asked what we could expect and what we need to do to be the best parents possible for you.
After we came home from the hospital, I received a letter from Emory Hospital stating you had Mosaic Down Syndrome. I had no idea what that meant. Having a "special needs" child was a whole new world to me. The only child I knew that even had D.S. was the Vice Presidential Nominee, Sarah Palin's child, who was a few months older than you.
As I researched your condition and asked many questions, I discovered that 57% of your cells have a 3rd 21st chromosome. The other 43% were normal. No one would tell me what that would mean for you. The "Professionals" said most MDS kids accomplish more than the average child with D.S., but no one can predict your capabilities as no one can predict any child's capabilities.
Well, you have accomplished more than many average kids I know. You have opened my eyes to a world I had never seen before and are an absolute joy in my life. In fact, Everyone who knows you or even meets you falls completely in love with you. I am honored and blessed beyond words to be your mother.
Happy Birthday Darling Angel!!

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