Tuesday, July 21, 2009

1st Tooth

My mommy tricked me tonight...She was singing to me and I smiled real big and she saw the secret I've been hiding all week. She suspected it, but tonight she is jumping around all happy because she knows its true....I have my 1st tooth.

I must say I have been a bit on the crabby side this week, which contributed to Mommy's suspicion. Now the secret is out...Go scream it from the rooftops!! I got my first tooth...Now they are gonna be goin' hard at it with that spoon feeding crap. Well I tried...and have to give myself a pat on the back for a week's worth of success!! Cheers!!
Miss Joannie came over today....She is my therapist. Some days I like her and some days I don't. She makes me work really hard and do things that I am not so comfortable doing.

Today, we worked on crawling and eating from the spoon. Not liking either of those. I have some low muscle tone at my shoulders and hips and it makes crawling not so easy.

The food thing....I dont know... to quote my friend Stewie Griffin, "It wasn't even about the eggs, really. Frankly, I like the yolks. I have no problem. There's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me. And it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just, I want her not to be alive anymore. I sometimes wonder if all women are this difficult. And then I think to myself, 'My God wouldn't it be marvelous if i turned out to be a homosexual?' " All but the homosexual thing...I dont think about that.

My mommy is having a tough week. She had it hard shopping with me and my sisters yesterday and then today is cleaning the house. She thinks I might be getting a tooth, She tries to stick her finger in my mouth to feel for it, but I always pull away and I will not let her see a thing. I move my tongue in the way if she tries to look.

I gotta go. Its time for my baba milks!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hearing Test

I didnt pass my hearing test yesterday. My mom is pretty bummed. I go back in 4 weeks and if things arent better then I go under sedation again so they can figure out exactly whats going on and fix the problem. Other than that summer has been great.