Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Frank and Aurora...they are number 5 and 6 in the sibling line up. Frank will be 8 in November and Aurora is 5. I'm pretty sure that they are crazy about me. They play with me all the time and Frank has even changed my diaper for me.

Aurora and I look so much alike. Everyone says Aurora is Beautiful and reminds them of Kim Kardashian...I'll take it.

Frank is absolutely hilarious. When I hear them playing in the other room, I hear Aurora laughing and laughing. I know Frank is the cause. He also plays tricks on Mommy and is always willing to make a fool of himself to get a laugh. He is also the only one who struggles in school. If I have any difficulties, I will look to him for support and help. I know he will be there for me.

Thats Frank and Aurora. I'll be featuring another sibling soon. Haven't decided who yet. See ya!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Mommy's got OCD!

I think my mommy has OCD, among other disorders. She wont let me or my sister's leave the house without our hair done including bows and ribbons that match our outfit.

She, herself, is always in Yoga pants and a tank top with her hair in a messy bun...rarely makeup. I dont know why she is so focused on how we look and not herself. I know we mostly go to the YMCA and then the store if we need to. She leaves us at the Y baby center and then comes back all sweaty an hour later. Maybe thats why she doesnt care about her hair.

Nevetheless, she has some serious OCD. She is working on our hair all the time and we are at the Y everyday. I am just so glad that we get to be with her everyday. OCD or not!!